Thursday, April 16, 2009

GPS Comparison: GlobalSat DG-100, BT-338 and BT-335

The GlobalSat BT-338 has been a popular and reliable performer in the GPS marketplace since 2005. With the release of the GlobalSat BT-335 GPS in late 2007, the datalogging capability has been added to the GlobalSat Bluetooth GPS range. The BT335 model can be utilised as either a stock standard Bluetooth GPS or as a datalogger. In addition to the Datalogging capability, the BT335 has increased battery life as compared to the BT338.

There is still the GlobalSat DG-100 USB Datalogging GPS for users who don’t require or want a GPS with Bluetooth capabilities. Below is a table outlining the basic specifications of the respective GlobalSat units.

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