Friday, January 28, 2011


Those organisations out there that are Monitoring and Reporting on their Corporate GeoDatabase, may be interested to know that the GeoDatabase Toolset (GDBT) has just been released for ArcGIS 10.
Head to the ESRI GDBT Site to access further information.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

ArcPad 10 Performance Tips

You might have seen a post that I did back in July (ArcPad Drawing Speed), which compared the drawing times of different datasets using ArcPad versions 7.1, 8.0 and 10.0. This research backed up the claims made by ESRI that version 10 has significantly improved performance over previous releases.

There are a few reasons for this. One of which is a new spatial index that is built in AXF files generated using the ArcPad Data Manager Tools for ArcGIS 10. Unfortunately, if you are still using ArcGIS 9.3, the Data Manager Tools have not been updated, and therefore, you will not receive the new indexing.

There is however a way around this:

  1. Generate your AXF file using either the ArcPad Data Manager tools for ArcMap, or ArcToolbox tools
  2. Open up the AXF file in ArcPad 10
  3. Open the Table of Contents, and open the layer properties of the layer you want to index
  4. Switch across to the Attributes page
  5. You will notice that the check box next to the Geometry field will be unchecked. Click it to build the index.
  6. Click OK on the Layer Properties, and OK on the Table of Contents dialog

The indexing will be applied to that layer, in that AXF from that point on (i.e. you do not need to repeat that process each time you start up ArcPad, unless you generate a new AXF file).

Some points to note are:
  • The above is only applicable to line and polygon layers
  • The indexing can only be read by ArcPad 10. It will not be used in 7.1 or 8.0